核桃富含維生素E,能抗氧化、。核桃所含的主要是不飽和脂肪酸,能降低膽固醇,防止血管硬化,核桃能健腦,經常吃能潤血脈,黑須發(fā),使皮膚細膩光滑。一斤核桃相 當于5斤牛奶的營養(yǎng)價值。 核桃含有豐富的蛋白質、脂肪、無機鹽和維生素。脂肪中的主要成分是亞油酸甘油酯,食后不但不會使膽固醇升高,還能減少腸道對膽固醇的吸收,因此可作為高血壓、動脈硬化患者的滋補品。此外這些油脂還可供給大腦基質的需要。核桃中所含的微量元素鋅和錳是腦垂體的重要成分,常食有益于腦的營養(yǎng)補充,有健腦的作用。核桃 健康的選擇 核桃民間又稱長壽果,有強身健腦,養(yǎng)顏益容之功效。據說慈禧太后年老而面容不衰,即與常食核桃肉有關。黑芝麻中含有豐富的胱氨酸和維生素B和E,可增加皮脂分泌,改善皮膚彈性,保持皮膚細膩、被日本學者稱為改變皮膚粗糙的食物。芝麻和核桃中含有豐富的維生素E、不飽和脂肪酸,能營養(yǎng)大腦、皮膚,延緩衰老、滋補養(yǎng)顏,并迅速補充體力,若將胡桃肉和黑芝麻研碎合用,真可謂珠聯璧合,相得益彰,稱得上事半功倍。用腦過度、神經衰弱、體虛疲乏、皮膚干燥者飲用尤好。 Walnut is rich in vitamin E effective in fighting against oxidizing and aging. It primarily contains unsaturated fatty acid, which can reduce cholesterol and angiosclerosis. The consumption of walnut may boost brain power and promote the blood circulation. In addition it will keep the hair darker and moisten our skin. The nutrition value of a half kilo of walnut equals to that of two and a half kilo of milk. Walnut is rich in protein, fat, inorganic salt and vitamin. Glyceryl linoleate, which consists mainly of fat, will not raise cholesterol level, but has it lowered, so that patients who are affected from hypertension and arteriosclerosis will benefit from eating walnut. In addition, these fats can meet the needs of brain matrix. Trace elements like zinc and manganese, main components of pituitary, are found in walnut, and thus giving it the fame of boosting brain power and promoting mentality. Walnut, a Healthy Food Walnut is called as “the longevity fruit” among the people, for it can strengthen our body, boost brain power, and keep facial appearance. It is said that the Queen Mother Cixi (1835-1908, a famous queen of Qing Dynasty, the last dynasty in Chinese history) usually eat walnut, and this is the main reason that she maintained young at face while she was aged. Black sesame is rich in cystine and vitamin B and vitamin E, which increase the exudation of sebum, and making the skin softer. In Japan it is considered as the best food for refining rough skin. Walnut and Black sesame contain rich vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acid, both can nourish the brain and skin, slow the aging process and quickly replenish physical strength.
核桃粉,西洋核桃粉,核桃露 價格: 規(guī)格:6932297803085